A reality TV programme called Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch debuted in 2021. The programme follows the Ollinger family as they investigate the tales and mystery of Blind Frog Ranch, which is situated in northeastern Utah.
The Ollingers are pursuing a mission to learn the truth about extinct societies that might have left behind hidden wealth on their territory. On the other hand, some viewers have questioned the show’s legitimacy, alleging that it is scripted or produced.
Duane Ollinger’s family acquired the expansive 160-acre Utah tract known as Blind Frog Ranch to look for hidden wealth, while some individuals buy land for the vistas or the possibility of developing a property.
Duane attempts to complete a task his father set for him and his son Chad Ollinger. He bought the land in Utah with a few other investors, expecting them to hit it big.
The region is frequently hit by lightning and has reportedly been the scene of paranormal activity. This and a host of urban legends have led many people to believe that rich metals are hidden beneath the earth’s surface.
Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch, a Discovery series, follows Duane and Chad’s adventures, while some people think the show is a hoax.
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Is ‘Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch’ Real?
According to some viewers, yes. While treasure-hunting-themed shows on Discovery have carved out a place for themselves, some viewers feel that Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch isn’t quite as real as the gold and silver Duane is searching for.
No cast members have officially questioned the legitimacy of the series, although there is a well-liked Reddit thread describing how the excavations appear to have been “staged” and “set up.”
One Reddit member questioned, “Does anyone know the actual location of this?” Does anyone else believe this show is a total setup and a dumb joke?
The Spanish coin and the nugget they extract from the same hole look incredibly phony. Oh no, the Discovery Channel is attempting to pass off rehearsed rubbish as fact. What more recently occurred?”
Some individuals observed that the members of the cast appeared to be actors. Some likened Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch to the television series The Curse of Oak Island on the History Channel.
Although the show has been a hit on the network since 2014, there has long been conjecture that it is somewhat manufactured.
Even if some viewers are dubious about the excavations seen in Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch, the Utah land itself has a lengthy history of being known for both paranormal activity and the presence of rich metals.
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