From Shark Tank Spotlight to Silence: The Untold Story of Toor Lockbox

Toor’s box uses Bluetooth to remotely open and close, allowing only the planned buyer to open the box with the keys at a given time.

If a seller is unsure of having strangers in their house unsupervised, they can request that an agent accompany the buyer. The software can rapidly discover a nearby agent, allowing the user to look for properties.

Junior Desinor, a seasoned individual within the real estate business, brought his entrepreneurial concept to the “Shark Tank” stage with the goal that his smart lockbox would appeal with both the panel of seasoned investors and the wider audience.

Toor’s trip on the Shark Tank not only highlighted the technology’s features but also the intricacies and obstacles of presenting a new product to a market that strongly relies on security and trust. We’ll get details about the obstacles faced by the project.

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What became of the founder of Toor Lockbox?

Kevin O’Leary and Barbara Corcoran invested $500,000 in Toor in the Shark Tank episode aired in Season 8. Unfortunately, the project bombed, and the investors saw their money go down the drain.

If you watched the Toor Lockbox episode on Shark Tank, you know Junior Desinor, the entrepreneur, was unanimously lauded by the sharks as an exceptional salesman.

They invested before they realized he could have been a better businessman. Not only did Junior lack the technical expertise to resolve issues with his product, but he also could have done better at managing the company’s inventory.

After Toor Lockbox failed, Barbara hired its founder and paid him $100,000 a year. Junior Desinor is currently a senior manager at Barbara’s real estate agency. More than $75,000 in bonus income was hiss after a recent $8 million Toronto real estate sale.

Barbara has made up for her losses by hiring him. Kevin, on the other hand, has written off his investment. In an interview, he noted that even if he only lost $100,000, it still worries him that he fell into the trap of a good marketer.

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Toor After Shark Tank

Despite this enticing potential, Toor seemed to fade off the map. The company ceased updating its Facebook page in early September of 2018, just six months after launching its smart lockboxes.

While their Amazon page remains online, the product is classified as currently unavailable and has no reviews. When trying to access the company’s website, a warning displays, claiming that the connection is not secure and that the website looks to be down.

Though Toor had an exceedingly intriguing proposal and transaction on “Shark Tank,” Desinor’s company doesn’t appear to have completely gotten off the ground.

Toor’s innovation was interesting, but it had to compete against many other types of lockboxes already on the market and lasted only a short time.

The company’s Kickstarter page is still live, but there have been no updates since January 2018, when Toor claimed that its first lockboxes would be shipped soon.

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